Personal Protection

Scripture Reading - Luke 10:18-20 KJV

18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

In today’s lesson we will discuss your “Personal Protection” by God. Many people believe that we live in dangerous times and if you watch enough news the newscasters will echo that thought. The truth is crime exists all over the world and many people fall prey (victims) to senseless tragedy for no fault of their own. In this write-up we are not discussing the people that live by the sword because the Holy Bible states they (the criminals) shall die by that same sword.-Refer to Matthew 26:52 Yes, there are some who choose to live by crime so they have already sealed their fate as criminals to die from their erroneous decisions to willfully sin against God and their fellowman. For whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.-Galatians 6:7 All those who practice sin (crimes, murderers, thieves, robbers, extortionist, corrupt politicians and crooked executives, etc…) will pay the cost of sinning which usually translates into a shorter life span and sometimes a quick death with no room (time and place) for repentance. Yes, since the Lord Jesus is very longsuffering and patient people usually don’t instantly died when they commit tragic sins the first time upon others. However, if they continue down the path of the wicked they will eventually become harden to righteousness and more prone to perform more wicked acts motivated by Satan and his evil kingdom. Thus, it is very important for the child of God to recognize that God has provided a better plan (a sure strategy) to keep us alive. Yes, God tells us in Psalms 91:16 KJV that, “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.” So without any doubt the Lord wants you to live a long godly life in abundance but the devil and his kingdom comes to steal, kill and destroy you according to John 10:10 KJV. This means that there is an adversary arrayed against us that cannot be ignored. Satan and his kingdom will start with a mental attack on people to cause temporal physical harm in hopes to have them spiritually separated from God forever. The Good News of Jesus Christ is that Jesus came to warn us through God’s Word (the Holy Bible) about the wicked ways of the devil. We also must realize that divine “Personal Protection” comes with at least three prerequisites. The first thing you must have to operate in this Godly provision is the accurate knowledge of “God’s protection plan” for you as explained in the Holy Bible. We (ihlcc) are speaking the Word of God to you under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit because we know God will protect you if (and only if) you do your part to believe in His divine protection. The second thing you must do is believe that “God’s divine protection” belongs to you all day and all night no matter what the situation. Yes, the believer must be thoroughly convinced that they are safe from all evil because evil cannot overcome the Blood of Jesus or the Name of Jesus! We (ihlcc) make a point of confessing divine “Personal Protection” over ourselves all the time and depending on what is going on that day we could speak that promise several times during that day. Most people don’t realize just how broad damage to your physical and mental and spiritual body can be. Everything from an armed robbery, to carjacking, to random shooting, sickness, disease unto premeditated murder can be a possibility to hurt a person but all those who have the Name of Jesus should take hold of the Blood of Jesus to keep them from all accidents, incidents, sickness and harm (tragedy). Thirdly, this means the Child of God must walk by faith all the time. Moreover, it is impossible to walk by faith on a daily basis without developing a healthy relationship with our Father God that communes with God each day and at certain times during the day. Some people think if something bad happens I will pray to God at that time but the reality is by the time something bad happens it might be too late. If you haven’t believed God for supernatural protection beforehand a sudden major accident could physically kill someone immediately. We (ihlcc) are not saying it is too late for God to help you when you call upon His Name (God, our Father in the Name of Jesus) but why wait until something bad happens to get serious about what God can do for you or what He can do for one of your love ones. Dear, believer in Christ, know with all confidence that God is more than able to keep you from all harm because Jesus is known as the Great Deliverer. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ already paid the ultimate price for our protection and peace so why not take advantage of His Good work on the Cross at Calvary in exchange for our good life while here on this earth and even carrying over into eternity (Heaven). Your “personal protection” will not automatically happen by accident but it must be expected and regularly confessed to benefit you when you need it. We (ihlcc) can personally witness that God is Good all the time and it is His Will for our life to protect us from all accident, evilness, wickedness, sickness and harm. When you practice that on a regular basis (as a lifestyle) it puts you in the right position to hear from God and it helps God to have a time when He can warn you when you need to make a change. Yes, there are some times when your “Personal Protection” is nothing more than staying home around a certain time or not taking a certain flight although you booked the ticket several months in advance. Yes, each believer must have all three elements affectively working in their fellowship with God to experience the fullness of God’s “Personal Protection”. First, you must know it is God’s Will to “personally protect” you all the time. Then you must believe (know) that this specific promise of God is personally for you no matter what comes at (or against) you. It really doesn’t matter what harmful condition you are facing if you know how to face it in the Person of God. The Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are the ultimate Deliverers so receive this divine “Personal Protection” all day and all night and all during the year (all the time). The only other prerequisite is your personal fellowship with God because many people believe in God but only a portion of those who believe in Him actually commune with Him on a regular basis throughout each day. Starting with God early in the day gives place to hear from Him concerning His Will for you during whole day. Yes, divine “personal protection” is the right (benefit, inheritance) of every Christian but every Christian doesn’t look for God’s help when it comes to “personal protection (their safety)”. So be wise dear faith friend by believing that nothing shall by any means hurt you, and believe with all your heart that you are already protected each minute of the day so you shall always be protected by the Blood of Jesus in the Name of Jesus. When you walk by faith in sweet communion with Christ there is no good thing that He will withhold from you. That fact alone guarantees that “His Divine Protection” is present and ready for full operation when called upon in Jesus Name. It is said, “War is not for the faint hearted.” so you must be diligent and strong to fight the good fight of faith in the Name of Jesus to overcome the evil forces set against you. Yes, when trouble is near you will speak to Him and when a life threatening problem exist He (The Lord Jesus) will definitely speak you, if your ears are tuned into Him you will certainly hear from Him. So never be discouraged or worried because you know that God personally loves you and inside of His Great Love for you (as a child of God) His “Divine Personal Protection” is promised to you. Just like a mother and father protect their children from harm, how much more shall your Loving Heavenly Father give you “Personal Protection” from the evil one and all evil everywhere? Just know that the Blood of Jesus Christ already covers you but you must decide to walk in that revelation to experience the awesome power of “God’s Protection” in your life both now and forever in Jesus Name. Amen!